Is Ghosting Coward’s Play or Sheer Survival?

In our constantly connected society is ghosting actual ill intent? Pure accident? Or busy schedules consequence?

Brittany Solem
4 min readJan 20, 2019
Photography by Brittany Solem of Prey Public

Maybe it’s all three.

Depending on the time and place… the person on the other end. Regardless, I’ve been over here thinking a lot about ghosting. Blame it on the people who have fallen silent on their end of the line, or my own desire to sever the cord and disconnect… leaving the phone dangling like in a 1970’s show.

I remember the day when “ghosting” held no meaning and wasn’t rapidly increasing in frequency. To say I haven’t considered it a viable option when I’ve failed to hold interest in that far too anxious a date — would be a lie.

To say I haven’t ghosted in hopes to make someone reconsider their own non-communicative disingenuous reply … well, that too— would be a lie.

If I’m painfully honest I’d have to admit ghosting is not just a temptation but at moments pure survival mechanism. Sometimes a explanation, literation, or excused absence is hard to find.

But why then — even with the knowledge of it’s necessity — does it hurt like hell to be the one left with a ghost on the other end? What is it about the unanswered questions spinning circles around…



Brittany Solem

she thinks she has clever things to say. we have yet to confirm this. interdisciplinary artist. work: